Address verification and multi step modal dialogue

We are designing an interface where the user navigates to a page where s/he is presented with a grid of existing business profile data (e.g. business name, address, website, etc).

When the user wants to add a new business, s/he clicks an icon and is presented with a modal dialogue form. After completing the business profile and clicking "Save", we want to perform address verification (i.e. call a service to return a potentially more accurate address than the one the user entered). The user would then be faced with three choices:

  1. Keep the address s/he entered.
  2. Choose the address provided by the verification service.
  3. Enter a new address.

According to THIS article which appeared in a similar thread, it is best to avoid multi-step modal dialogues.

Our constraints:

  • Modal dialogue must be used for adding the business profile.
  • Predictive search for address is not an option. The user must complete traditional address fields and submit.

Our proposed solution (ignoring the article's recommendation) is to implement a modal dialogue with two steps. Upon completion of the first step, the user would be taken to the second step where only the address verification is presented.

Are there any 'better' design alternatives in this situation?
