Adding extra information to a file that’s being uploaded via dropzone

We're redesigning a file upload experience. The use case is to add supporting documentation to a support ticket. The user selects a file, indicates the document type, and then clicks Upload. Once uploaded, the document appears in a simple grid of all uploaded files.

In the current state, the user's work area is small and easy to miss in a complex interface with many elements:

A simple upload section with a file selector and Document Type dropdown

I'd like to use a dropzone to make the action more prominent in the UI. However, I'm not sure when, where and how to include the Document Type selection. The user could choose to edit the information in the gridview after uploading, but it seems easy to ignore. The document type isn't mandatory, but it's useful, and the user would likely want to incorporate it with each upload.

Is a dropzone the wrong pattern here? Or is there a way to make the document type selection an intuitive part of the dropzone upload process?

Dropzone with table underneath it. The type is selected.