Adding add/delete buttons for a list of videos on specific actions

I was working over a code sample for a simple desktop manager UI that our team were supposed to submit at the end of the semester as a project. The UI consists of a list of click-able, height toggle-able <div>s as chapters for an online course, inside are a list of videos associated to each chapter.

The problem arises when I tried to reason where would be the best option to put functionalities like add/remove chapters/videos. The first option I came up with was to put the "Add video" on the end of each <div>s I mentioned above, but I couldn't figure out where to put the "Add chapter". The second option was to put a separate "Add" button at the end of the chapter list, when I click on it, a modal opens and I can choose whether to add a chapter or upload a video for an existing chapter. What I'm trying to achieve is that I'm able to see the new videos or chapters displaying in the list after I've created them using the "Add" buttons.

I don't know if it's a bad practice in general to have such lists and/or buttons and if so how can I improve the look and feel of the UI? Where should I move on from here?