Accessible non-english website: what input element attributes in native language?

I'm making an accessible Dutch language website. As a rule variable names in code are in English because not all programmers are Dutch natives. Do any of the attributes of input fields have to be in Dutch to be usable by a Dutch screenreader and compliant with WCAG?

Below is an example of a labelled radio-group:

    <legend>Geef neerslag door:</legend>
    <div class="form-div" id="rainfall">
        <input type="radio" id="no-rain" name="rainfall" value="none" />
        <label for="no-rain">geen neerslag vandaag</label><br/>
        <input type="radio" id="catsndogs" name="rainfall" value="catsndogs"/>
        <label for="catsndogs">regen regen regen</label><br/>