Access rights icons for web site

I have a customer with a search page for videos that displays filters to the left (elastic search aggregations).

Each of these filters are tags applied to different videos. When a user makes a search, the results page "builds" these filters which can fall into any of the following categories:

  • Full access – Public videos and purchased videos only: the given filter only contains videos that anyone can watch or that a given customer has purchased (no padlock)
  • Partial access – Purchased videos and non-purchased videos only: this filter contains videos that a customer has purchased AND videos that need to be purchased to watch them. (faded padlock)
  • No access – Videos that can be purchased: this category ONLY contains videos that the user has not purchased. (black padlock)

OK. The way this thing works does not make much sense to me, but we apparently cannot change that.

Now, the way access rights are displayed (using padlocks) is, in my opinion, very confusing but we cannot think about another way to implement it – specially the faded ones.

Could anyone please help me get some ideas/guidance about what iconography for access rights can be applied here?

enter image description here