Accept/Reject CTA buttons on cards

I have to design a dashboard to help sellers to manage invoices addressed to them during the month. The invoices will arrive in "To do" tab. For each invoice we have two choices : "Accept" or "Reject" the document. When a document is rejected or accepted it moves to the appropriate section ("Rejected" tab or "Accepted" tab).

In "To do" tab I don't have any problem, I put two CTA buttons in each card ("Accept" and "Reject") with a high emphasis treatment on "Accept" button (which is positive and must common action).

enter image description here

My problem is for "Accepted" Tab (and the same for "Rejected"). The seller can see a list of accepted invoices but he can reconsider and refuse an invoice or just remove the Accepted state of it. For these cards I don't know how to design the buttons. I putted 2 outlined buttons (without high emphasis) and I do not know if it's understandable. Should I change and put contained button for one of the two ?

Please help me !

enter image description here