Acceptance of location requests in websites?

We are starting to build a website with an adaptive design (responsive philosohpy).
Because the adaptive design is not just about designing websites that adapt to screen size, we want to include all (for our site relevant) parts of responsive web. (e.g what time it is, what season and other events)

And a big part of the adaptive design is the location part.
But I worry about the acceptance of sharing his own postition.

For example, me and several friends are annoyed of googles constant request if he could use my current location (mostly on the mobile site). I won't let track my location on websites, where I don't need it.
Location Request on Google Mobile Search

The question is:
How big is the acceptance of location requests? Find users it mostly annoying or useful?

The location detection over IP is not enough accurate. So either we ask for the location or we can't show the location-specific content.

What we ask ourself is:
Ask for location:
We need to ask the user's location right at the start of the website. Then we can specify our content to display. But it could annoy the user, which we won't.

+ Location-Specific content, which reduce the steps to get the information the user wants - Asking for the location can annoy the user and maybe he won't use the application...

Don't ask for location :
+ The user can just start to browse the information on the site
- The user will have to click through the website-strucutre to find the searched information. Depending on the searched info, it could be more than 3 steps and will frustrate the user.