AB test of image gallery on search results

Product description

Any kind of ecommerce site or marketplace where the primary user flow is:

  • A search page where the user searches / filters to find products that the user wants to buy with many product listings.
  • A product page that contains an image gallery and various calls to action to purchase or enquire.
  • A checkout or form funnel where the user converts.

Control Design

Currently the search page contains many product listings and each product has 1 image. The product page has an image gallery where users can view the rest of the product images.

Variation Design

Each product listing on the search page now has the ability to swipe or click through all the images of a product without going to the product page.


I am preparing to A/B test this feature and I'm curious to see if anyone else has attempted something similar and what results you found? How did it effect your users behaviour? If you did any qualitative research how did your users feel vs the quant data you collected?

The reason I'm asking is that my gut feeling and hypothesis says that this feature overall will result in a better user experience (which we will test qualitatively later), however there is a good chance that the number of product pages a user views will decrease. I also think that it won't effect conversions negatively, as users will find products they like sooner.

I will add that the site I'm working on is a vehicle marketplace where we've found that images are very important in the decision making process of the user.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Example wireframe of control & variation