A question regarding registration form, social login and checkboxes

I am a frontend/backend developer. Recently I was provided a design from our UX dev for a registration form for a website. It looks something like this:


[ Login with Google ]

[ Login with Facebook ]


Enter Name

Enter Email

Enter password

Confirm password

Subscribe to Newsletter

Accept terms & conditions

[ Register ]


The social login buttons are on top of the form because that's what most users prefer to use, so its more focused.

The social login buttons act as both login and registration - if the user exists, they're logged in. If not, an account is created for them and they're logged in.

The problem is that the subscribe and accept checkboxes are tied only to the login form, so registering with google or facebook means those form inputs are not submitted. Even if I did make them submit, since they're in different places, users won't feel like checking/unchecking them when registering with social account. On top of that, the social login buttons are also present on Login page, so if a non-registered user clicks these button from Login page, their account is created automatically even though they never checked the accept button.

For now, I have put another accept button below the Login with Facebook button so that to login/register with social account they have to check that one instead of the one below. It now looks like this:


[ Login with Google ]

[ Login with Facebook ]

Accept terms & conditions


Enter Name

Enter Email

Enter password

Confirm password

Subscribe to Newsletter

Accept terms & conditions

[ Register ]


The problem with this approach is that

  1. There will be 2 accept check boxes in the register form.
  2. Users registering with social logins will not be able to use subscribe checkbox, I could put one checkbox more below social login but it would be too noisy.
  3. I don't want to show it on login page, but since users can register from login page as well, I have to put them?

Can you guys provide me with a better solution? I talked to my UX designer about this, he said he had never come across this issue .